I had some moments yesterday on my drive back from Richmond to ponder this statement of belief in one of the Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: "We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience and allow all men the same privilege to worship how, where and what they may."
There are some things that stand out to me. It is the only article of faith that does not begin with "We believe". Saying that "We CLAIM" is a big statement. It is a right to worship in the way we feel is correct. To me, that means we can stand up for what we believe in. Indeed, we SHOULD stand up for what we believe in, even taking political action to protect our beliefs. We can oppose those who try to take aways our rights and privileges. This example is given clearly in the Book of Mormon with Captain Moroni. Some people in an effort to get their rights, end up threatening my rights to worship the way I feel is correct. . . I think we have to be on the alert for that.
The other word that really stands out to me is the word, "allow". Others can worship in the way they feel is correct. It doesn't mean that we will all worship the same, that we will all have the same conscience directing us to worship in a certain way. It makes me think of tolerance for each other.
Now, I may feel that the way I worship is right, true, correct. . . the only correct way. . . and I may want to share that with others so they can enjoy the happiness, joy, and blessings that I have. . . but if they don't want it. . . that is their choice because they can follow the dictates of their conscience.
Just thoughts on a fall day. . . between Richmond and Arlington.
Great thoughts, Rene. I'm so glad God preserved this land of liberty so that we may worship the way we feel is correct.